More fieldwork – Lorentzenpiggen
Thursday, February 19th, 2009I’m waaaaaaaaaay behind with writing some good posts about all the fieldwork that we did this summer, and so I’m just going to make some brief posts with pictures and maybe short descriptions to give a passing impression. I’ve just updated the post on the first trip (to Flarjuven, when we had to pull out due to bad weather) with some new photographs, so start there.
The next field trip was to the nearby nunatak of Lorentzenpiggen, which forms a distictive part of the skyline to the south of SANAE IV. The geomorphologists (aka ‘Geos’) wanted to survey the area for specific types of features. They have several research projects on the go, and are also collecting data for colleagues back in South Africa. Many of the nunataks have not been surveyed in detail by geomorrphs, so there was a element of exploration to the expedition. Nunantak lucky pack…