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April SANAE 47 Newsletter

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

The April newsletter for the team is available here online – click the link to go to the PDF file. Enjoy

SANAE 47 Newsletter – April 2008

Spindrift (fine particles of ice and snow) form ethereal shifting patterns known as \'snowsnakes\' as they are blown across the landscape

Go out and get some…

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

One of the great unsung stories of the expedition is the phenomenal, and often spontaneous support we’ve had from individuals and companies back home.  Sure, we get everything we need from SANAP, but there are lots of little comforts that have been donated which warm the heart and keep us feeling close to home.  One of my personal evening occupations is to enjoy my meal with a glass of red wine – being raised in the Western Cape in South Africa, a short distance from many world-renowned wine farms, has given me the privilege of enjoying the sweet fruits of Bacchus on a regular occasion.  I’m no high-nosed expert, but a pleasant glass of wine with the scent of home is too great to ignore.  Fortunately, many farms and cellars made gifts of wine (and port, brandy, etc.) to the team.

Tonight we enjoyed a bottle which was held in very high acclaim by all who sipped – a 2002 Kanu Merlot, limited reserve.  Well rounded and fragrant, it has aged well and survived the trip to Antarctica well.  If you’re in a position to do so, go out and snap up a couple of bottles.  You won’t regret it.

Kanu can be contacted via their web-site at

Records and updates

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

For those who went into a flat panic – no there are no polar bears in Antarctica. You’ve been had. Happy April Fool’s Day!

I have to pass on the latest weather record – the current storm, now several days old peaked with a wind-speed of 88 knots (45.3 m/sec or 163 km/h). That’s the same as a respectable hurricane or an entry-level tornado.

As far as updates go, if you look carefully at the links on the right you will notice that I’ve created a page on the medical facility here at SANAE IV. This has been a long time coming, so thanks for your patience. Next up will be a photographic walk-through of the base, detailing the significant areas.